Happy Dorktor Who Year
Happy New Year? Happy Doctor Who? No, Happy Dorkter Who Year! Get in the tardis! Lexi & Ben dork about about the 60th Anniversary Doctor Who specials, our fave NuWho Doctors, Ncuti Gatwa's arrival, and a brave new universe of bi-generation?! We also take a twenty minute divergence to debate celebrating the death of political/social figures who have done monstrous harm. FUN! It's bigger on the inside.
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"I had a subconscious infracutaneous retrofold memory loop, making me act as soft as you and give away £166 million!" -Donna Noble, Doctor Who
Here's where you can find us!
Ben Rankel's website and instagram and where to buy his book: Amazon.ca / Comixology / Ind!go / Renegade Arts
Dork Matter's website(WIP) and twitter and instagram and reddit
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